T-Pain isn’t revered as the one of the great voices of his generation, rather he is largely blamed by his peers for the proliferation of digital re-tuning in music. With that blame came heavy and at times dark introspection for Pain. But through his personal and spiritual journey, “feeling like a man lost in space, finding his way back”, he rediscovered himself and was inspired to create his seventh full-length album — “OBLiVION”.
Lost In Space
T-Pain is the kind of client you only dream of. Dude loves everything you show him and trusts you completely to execute on any crazy idea you toss out. So when we pitched him on leaning into his “lost in space analogy” for the OBLIiVION website he didn’t hesitate. The result was a journey through the abyss of space, zooming through three dimensional symbols inspired by Peter Sagan’s “Voyage Records” and developed by Blanc Studios.

PM: Kev Trinh & Shaun Roach
Art Director: JuanJuan
Developer: Sean Harrington
PM: Kev Trinh & Shaun Roach
Print/Branding: Blanc Agency
Agency: Never-Not
PM: Kev Trinh & Shaun Roach
Art Director: JuanJuan
Developer: Sean Harrington
PM: Kev Trinh & Shaun Roach
Print/Branding: Blanc Agency
Agency: Never-Not